Zodiac sign Taurus
Characteristics of the zodiac sign Taurus
Sign period: April 21 - May 21

Taurus amazes with their hard work and perseverance. There is no change in the representatives of other signs of the zodiac. Taurus strives for independence, loves to achieve everything on its own, does not expect luck and gifts of fate. He is characterized by nobility and impressive strength of character, which help him to solve problems and difficulties that arise on the path of life.
Taurus man
Taurus is a sign of the Zodiac, the characteristics of which include such qualities as prudence, conservatism, stability, reliability. But this has nothing to do with boring and pedantry. Taurus may well be sensitive, romantic, gentle and attentive, because Venus patronizes him.
As for his personal life, Taurus will stubbornly build relationships even with that partner who does not suit him at all. He will try to keep the union to the end, despite the difficulties. Marriage is too serious for him, and divorce is an exceptional measure that will bring a lot of pain.
Taurus is a wonderful husband and dad, he treats loved ones with great trepidation and love. He is generous enough, but at the same time he spends money wisely. Taurus knows how to make money, and he does it effectively thanks to his perseverance and diligence.
Taurus woman
A lady born under this sign is charming, seductive, always looks great, has good intuition. She is absolutely organic in this and does not try to seem like someone who she is not. It is very easy for a Taurus woman to attract a man, and for this she does not have to do anything special.Outwardly, this lady may be fragile and weak, but inside she has incredible strength and energy. Taurus is very smart, but it is not in their rules to demonstrate this to everyone and everyone, which is why sometimes they cannot be appreciated at their true worth. The Taurus woman is distinguished by a calm disposition, prudence, but at the same time she may well be emotional.